Release Notes
For additional information check our sprint demo videos and blogs.
Sprint Release: Jan 27
- Validations for Gateway API objects
- Kiali without Istio API using istio_api_enabled=false
- Gateway API Objects - Include in wizards
- upgrade operator base image to 4.12
- References for k8s httpRoute
- References for K8s Gateways
- Add dates in chart tooltips
- (CI) Gateway API in CI
- (CI) Gateway API Integration tests.
- (cypress) Gateway API in Cypress tests.
- Multicluster - Hack script to setup local multicluster with OIDC
- Multicluster - cluster configuration
- Kiali view-only mode allows changing proxy log-level
- Workload auto-injection of proxy should ensure label and annotation settings don’t conflict
- Upgrade error on role switch for view-only
- hide “enable injection” menu option in Overview page when in OSSM
- KIA0106 false positive with wildcard
- IRC link on is not working
- Service with K8s Gateway - Inconsistency between views
- Helm 3.10 is now required to run the Helm Charts.
- The deprecated support for OpenID’s implicit flow has now been removed. If necessary, you must switch to using the more secure authorization code flow.
Sprint Release: Jan 06, 2023
- Test the new native stats runtime by setting TELEMETRY_USE_NATIVE_STATS to “true” in istiod
- Kiali CR definition to allow the use of appProtocol in the service configuration
- Show Kiali configuration in the application
- Kiali may prevent istiod from becoming ready on initial startup of istiod pod
- Kiali errors out loading workload graph in ‘default’ namespace
- The experimental support for multicluster deployment models is now deprecated and may be removed in a future release. New multicluster features are currently being developed within the Kiali community as a replacement.
Sprint Release: Dec 16
- Kiali SA should use view-only role unless using anonymous strategy
- openshift auth timeout customizations
- Kiali distroless version breaks external https calls
- Redirect Loop on OpenID Connect Failures
- Update GH pipelines removing deprecated warnings
Sprint Release: Nov 25
- Add Kiali validations on Istio Detail pages
- Bump go version to 1.18
- Indicate the status of a canary upgrade in the control plane card
- Kiali traffic wizard
- Control Plane Card - Min TLS Improvement
- document how to specify digest images in the Kiali CR and helm chart
- (CI) Test Flake - TestCreateSessionNoChunks
- Min TLS Version - React Warning
- ( Aditional CI issues
- Kiali heatmap tooltips are too compute-heavy
- Support for OpenID’s implicit flow is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please, switch to using the authorization code flow which is more secure.
Known Issues:
With the move to a distroless container in v1.59, root CA certificates went missing. This affects the Kiali integration with OpenID. The problem will be fixed in the next release (v1.61). The workaround is to use one of the “-distro” image tags found on the repo by specifying it in the deployment.image_version
setting of the Kiali CR or server helm chart value. If using the operator, in order to be able to set the deployment.image_version
within the Kiali CR, you must enable the allowAdHocKialiImage setting when installing the operator.
Sprint Release: Nov 4, 2022
- Validate that Kiali installs as an add-on for Ambient
- Migrate the control plane related information from the masthead to the control plane card
- switch the published images to be distroless
- Add TLS min version to the Control Plane card in the Overview Page
- Helm charts installation doesn’t work on Apple M1
- mount secret data from files, not environment variables
- Filter “istio” GatewayClassName Gateway API gateways
- Config Create Wizard - Preview shows old state
- (Cypress) Fix kiali login test on openshift
- Kiali dashboard freezes when checking traces information
Sprint Release: Oct 14, 2022
- openid strategy should not show login page: where are kiali’s autologin options?
- Add Kiali validation on Istio Config list
- Can we exclude the some accessible namespaces in kiali CR with some labelSelector?
- Add Argocd Rollout as workload type to Kiali.
- Badging gateway api gateways correctly on the graph
- “KIA0203 This subset’s labels are not found in any matching host” For Argo Rollout canary scenario
- Links to ServiceMesh tabs should propagate interval and refresh parameters
- Duration in Overview tab from details pages not refreshing
- (CI) Test flake - Kiali Graph page - Find/Hide
- Control Plane Card icon overlapping
- (CI) Test flake - Service Details Traces - Spans
- Jaeger - namespace_selector not working for services in istio-system
- (Cypress) login using default authentication method does not work
Sprint Release: Sep 23
- Optimize the Kiali Cache design under cluster rights presence
- Reorganize the Overview page to better show data plane vs control plane status
- Plugin time interval+refresh controls on detail pages
- Initial Release of OSSMC
- Relax “missing label” wording in tooltips
- missing version and commit info in log output
- make container securityContext configurable
- Move Kiali<->Istio version checks to the “About” dialog
- Added K8s Gateway API objects to Istio Config list page
- Enable github pipeline to run integration tests with token auth enabled
- Revisit “round timeseries on client-side with significant decimals”
- (CI) Test flake - Service details page
- (hack) setup kind in ci finalising with error
- (CI) Test flake - workload details
- (CI) Test Flake - TestConcurrentClientExpiration
- (CI) Test flake - The degraded status of a service is reported in the list of service
- (CI) Test flake - Sidebar toggle
- Upgrade operator base image to 4.11
- Change istioctl install hack script to default to single cluster settings
Upgrade Notes:
The improved control plane card on the Overview page makes use of previously unused metrics. If these metrics have been removed from your environment you will need to add them back for the feature to work. As a result,
Metric | Notes |
process_cpu_seconds_total | used to graph cpu usage in the control plane overview card |
container_memory_working_set_bytes | used to graph memory usage in the control plane overview card |
pilot_proxy_convergence_time_sum | used in control plane overview card to show the average proxy push time |
pilot_proxy_convergence_time_count | used in control plane overview card to show the average proxy push time |
If these metrics have been removed from your environment you will need to add them back for the feature to work. As a result, we have updated our recommended Prometheus metric thinning configuration. See for the updated configuration. The metrics used are not typically very heavy and adding them back should likely not be an issue.
See this FAQ entry for a list of all metrics required by Kiali.
Sprint Release: Sep 2
- Support single cluster traces view when using Jaeger with multi-cluster storage backend
- add capabilities-drop explicitly to deployment
- Support Telemetry and WasmPlugin Istio objects
- Plugin service actions on details pages
Sprint Release: August 12, 2022
- (scalability) How to thin metrics to those required only by Kiali
- Launch Kiali wizard scenarios from graph nodes
- Milliseconds precision for sorting log entries in the Logs tab
- Istio Workload Config Validation Optimization
- Customizable links in Kiosk mode
- Relax host validations on presence of ALLOW_ANY vs REGISTRY_ONLY
- Overlay trace onclick event doesn’t work in the metrics charts
- Terminated in Another Window color doesn’t look like the PF warning title color
- Adjust the “View in Grafana” link in metrics tab
- Sidecar with no workloadSelector in two separate namespaces are marked as conflicting…
- trace details heatmap vertical labels are truncated
- Adjust the “View in Tracing” links to the same row
- Skip workloads when summarizing config validations in Overview page and in Graph
- logs tab page has wrong container when navigating from trace tab
- More than one Gateway, but cannot find duplicate
Sprint Release: July 22, 2022
- Update to Istio 1.14
- Revisit DestinationRule no labels warning
- Outdated Kiali validations
- Review validations documentation on
- Combine destination/source reporters in metric tab
- Adjust mouse pointer on areas that user can navigate/jump to
- remove perms no longer needed
- (helm) be able to specify custom annotations on the Kiali CR
- Misaligned dropdown when invalid operand is typed
- (helm) when operator helm chart optionally creates CR, it puts the annotation in the wrong spot
Sprint Release: July 1st, 2022
- Add cypress UI tests around the Service Details page
- Add outboundTrafficPolicy value to overview istio-system card
- Create a UI suite test on cypress
- UI tests around the Workloads Details page.
- Add Kiali validations on the Istio Config Details sidepanel
- Not found messages may have a better message in the body page
- Reproducible performance testing environment
- Envoy tab: add tooltips with the Envoy terminology
- Update the information about mTLS data in details pages
- Document ability to set default Kiali CR image_name in operator from helm charts
- Release pipeline for the plugin
- Remove invalid durations based on prometheus scrape interval
- fix doc link 404
- 404 external link in
- Failing to Display Larger Number of Log Lines
- Fix UI Actions regressions
- (CI) Test Flake - Cypress sidecar injection
- (e2e) Flaky test fix TestAuthPolicyPrincipalsError
- Keep Envoy tab after refresh
- DR details open fails in some cases
Sprint Release: June 10th, 2022
- Update beta interfaces for CronJob workloads
- Adjust font style in charts options
- “This subset’s labels are not found in any matching host” - DestinationRule and ServiceEntry
- Upgrade the Patternfly framework
- Review conditional rendering in the kiosk mode
- Add more mechanisms to provide OpenShift tokens to Kiali
- Improve the upstream pipelines
- UI tests around the Graph page Find/Hide
- Kiali and Istio validation messages should be placed together
- Update font color on green/red labels for trace details
- Toolbar icons misaligned
- Adjust Istio/Kiali version warnings
- (e2e) TestAuthPolicyPrincipalsError test flaking
- Envoy filter broken
- (cypress) Sidecar injection tests sometimes fail
- Fix find/hide toolbar alignment issues
- Fix “info” icons in the yaml config editor
- Multiple condition values under builder are displayed without comma to separate multiple values
- operator aborts if cluster does not support default HPA version
- Validations missing for few keys of authorization policy conditions
Sprint Release: May 20th, 2022
- add cypress tests for graph replay
- Migrate e2e test suite to Golang
- (cypress) UI tests around the Graph page Toolbars (otherwise not covered)
- validation: authorization policy validation, principals not found
- Make the Istio Config details poll explicit
- Add cypress UI tests around the Workload List page
- operator release pipeline needs to update createdAt field in CSVs
- add creation of olm metadata to the new github release workflow
- Investigate update of Patternfly to be compatible with OS Console
- Investigate testing demos scripts on upstream + OpenShift platform
- Schedule release pipelines
- Update to use new HPA v2
Sprint Release: April 29th, 2022
- Add cypress UI tests around the Graph page Display menu
- Add cypress UI tests around the Services List page
- Improve Kiali server release pipeline using Github Actions
- Improve Kiali operator release pipeline using Github Actions
- Improve Helm charts release pipeline using Github Actions
- Improve Kiali site release pipeline using Github Actions
- Remove Snyk and consolidate on GitHub Dependabot
- Update operator’s Ansible base image
- Quite some logging
- Clean expired clients
- Minor Demo and Tutorial enhancements
- Fix to Destination Rule validation (.svc)
- Fix to Virtual Service YAML display
Sprint Release: April 8th, 2022
- Auth: Phase out usage of JWTs
- Kiali UI and Kiali Server can point to a single commit
- Add cypress UI tests around the Overview page
- Update Prometheus client lib
- Transfer frontend repo into kiali repo
- Hack script to create a Kind cluster in CI
- Feature flag to disable log browser
- Support Gateways workloads in user namespaces
- add the ability to add annotations to configmap.yaml
- ui crash with no gateways
- UI messages at INFO level look just like ERROR level messages
- fatal error: concurrent map writes
Sprint Release: March 18th, 2022
- Research a new Graph layout to support large topologies
- Improve the side panel in the Istio Config editor
- Reduce the number of requests to fetch health data on list pages
- Improve the representation of edges and connections in large topologies
- Add help messages for DestinationRules
- Add help messages for RequestAuthentications
- Add help messages for Gateways
- Add help messages for AuthorizationPolicies
- Add help messages for WorkloadGroups
- Add help messages for WorkloadEntries
- Add help messages for Sidecars
- Add help messages for ServiceEntries
- Add help messages for EnvoyFilters
- Reduce the number of requests to fetch health data on detail pages
- Research workload/service label filters on Graph
- Add help messages for VirtualServices
- Ensure all validations has object references
- Base side panel redesign for Istio config objects
- Improve crossnamespace Istio Gateways query in ServiceDetailsPage
- Envoy metrics look broken
- Develop a mock backend server for local UI work in scalability scenarios
- feat(multitenancy): support additional metric label for prometheus
- Sidecar Validations - Workloads should be from local namespace
- Gateway details warning - Missing validation reference
- Kiali graph is not working with disabled Istio’s /debug endpoints
- Mismatched Node Graph Type breaks UI in Application
- Misconfigured
causes a panic - Namespace with External Registry Service only - UI Error Loading services
- Service List - Missing Configuration status
- “Could not fetch services list” Error
- KIA0003 for multiple Request Authentication
- Duration dropdown showing invalid durations
- Kiali shows KIA0701 for istio-system debug ports - but should not
- Istio Config List - Configuration icon load inconsistency
- cannot use a custom secret for Kiali identity
- Improve protection against graph numbers that are actually string variables
- Fix time selection issue in replay custom startTime picker
Sprint Release: February 25th, 2022
- Allow dynamic markers on editor according to Istio config object
- Introduce “preview” mode in Istio Config actions
- Add Istio Config Preview under wizard actions under istio config page
- Refactor Kiali Validations to better use the Istio registry information
- Refactor Kiali Validations according to Istio Registry usage model for listing Configs and Services
- Add Istio Config Preview under wizard actions under service details page
- Add graph generator for creating mock graph data
- (operator) CSV should define skipRange
- namespace excludes default regexes should only filter out namespaces that “starts-with” the patterns.
- Fix “xxx is not found as xxx” issue
Sprint Release: February 4th, 2022
- Add prerequisites in quick-start to try kiali
- Create and sync namespace caches on startup
- publish the auto-generated docs for the kiali cr
- Instrument Kiali server with Jaeger
- Deprecate Iter8 extension in favor of a new model
- Validations: Support
- Gateway Validation References - Contains self reference
- invalid link in doc page
- Graph hide can hang browser when zoomed out enough to hide labels
- auth is broken according to molecule tests
- Trend lines feature broken in master
Sprint Release: January 14th, 2022
- Hide graph labels that are too small to read
- Add preview mode in overview page
- Graph: Correctly badge service nodes with the VS/Route icon
- (graph) Enable namespace and cluster boxing by default
- tests should use latest minikube and dex to keep up to date
- Support
validation in ServicesEntries - (operator) update operator to base image 1.10.1 (4.9)
- Jaeger http legacy protocol has problems in master
- Adjust font style in trace details comparison map
- fast click
Idle Nodes
(or other graph display options) can break UI - Missing “KIA1106 More than one Virtual Service for same host” for cross-namespace cases
- Minigraph navigation broken
- “KIA1102 VirtualService is pointing to a non-existent gateway” shown only once.
- Wrong KIA1106 “More than one Virtual Service for same host”
- Number of regex.Compile() calls in multi_match_checker scales quadratically with hosts checked
- “Could not fetch services list” Error in Service view when selecting some namespaces
- Molecule “api-test” failure in graph generation on ossm 2.1
- Validations and TLS Endpoints Very Slow
- Reconciliation may fail when removing a namespace from a cluster immediately after removing it from spec.deployment.accessible_namespaces
- k8s service appProtocol is no reflected in config checks
Sprint Release: December 3rd, 2021
- Correct graph edge for Pod to Pod communication using destination_workload
- Make istiod ports configurable in kiali
- Support rootNamespace: administrative namespace for istio config
- Support rootNamespace in Peer Authentication validations
- Support rootNamespace in Sidecar validations
- access ingress_enabled for now to support older CRs
- Include an explanation about the lack of health information for TCP services (like a database)
- (operator) implement best practice guidelines to support multi-tenant installations
- Upgrade kubernetes/client-go version and update beta interfaces for workloads
- KIA1105: Virtual service routes may not point to any subset
- Possible memory leak in /api/istio/status endpoint
- Documentation doesn’t show how to configure Kiali
Sprint Release: November 12nd, 2021
- Allow Kiali Graphs to show EgressGateway traffic to ServiceEntry
- (Feature Request) Support mounting existing secret into Kiali Pod
- Calculate graph importance score
- Validations - Ensure ServiceEntry has WorkloadEntry addresses
- Support getting the root namespace from Istio configuration
- ingress created by Kiali CR does not include ingress class - need new deployment.ingress setting
Please note this introduces a backward-incompatible change. Users with the prior ingress settings defined in their Kiali CR will need to make an update. Other users are not affected. The previous ingress settings were:
ingress_enabled: <true|false>
...the override yaml here...
This has been changed to the following:
enabled: <true|false>
...the override yaml here...
- Update docs to Kiali 1.36+
- Google OIDC allowed domains
- Include ServiceAccount info across console
- Add information about Istio overhead
- Workload Entry graph nodes display only “latest” version
- Kiali Documentation link from Master Head seems broken
- Crash in onCopy button in Envoy tab editors
- “More than one Gateway for the same host port combination” even with different ports
- Workload pod proxy logs shows details for Envoy app logging
Sprint Release: October 22nd, 2021
- Migrate to Docsy for theme
- Add strong type mapping in Istio Kiali model
- Show mirroring info or badge on the graph
- Add a “Trendlines” option in the metrics tab
- Show gateway in istio config
- Add Sidecars on “Create Traffic Policies” namespace action
- Ability to pass custom headers to httputil.Post
- Add hostAliases field to kiali deployment manifests
- Kiali Istio dashboards incompatible with thanos-query
- URL parameters not persisted in inbound/outbound metric tabs
- Include Mesh Gateway in Create Traffic Routing - causes failure
- Potential Memory Leak in UI AuthenticationController
- More Sidecars on Configuration
- “missing span root” in graph side panel
Sprint Release: October 1st, 2021
- Add help for Graph shortcuts
- Add custom label aggregation in metrics tab
- Kiali Operator - Add ability to specify image SHA in Kiali CRs
- Improve discovery matcher process for Custom Dashboards
- Add SRE style metrics in the Overview namespace chart
- Be able to set the logging level for istio and envoy logs from Kiali UI
- Custom HTTP headers when connecting to Prometheus
- Display Envoy tab for workloads running Istio Proxy without Sidecar
- Workload page displays an error when accessing VirtualMachineInstance resource
- WorkloadEntry workload graph nodes have broken link
- Mesh internal ServiceEntry should be grouped in app box with workloads
- Error loading Graph - Namespace (kube-state-metrics) is excluded for Kiali
- Workloads flap between OK and Not Ready w/ Argo Rollout CR
- Unable to edit IstioConfig
- Kiali loading icon seems broken
- seg fault in IsMaistra status (found in Kiali v1.40.0)
- ansible option we use in operator code is being renamed
Sprint Release: September 10th, 2021
- Support exportTo validation in VirtualServices
- Add graph Factory Reset button
- Add help tooltip in the metrics tab
- Add info/tooltip on virtual service that doesn’t have a gateways section
- Support the new istio injection label
- Add indication if certificates are managed by Citadel or external tool
- Distinguish between VM based workloads and pod based workloads on the graph
- Identify and label WorkloadEntry graph nodes
- should support installing OLM and testing with OLM-installed operator
- Docs and scripts regarding secrets and service accounts might need to be updated
- (validations) Don’t show KIA0203 when there are no VS referencing the DR subset
- Kiali Operator: Pods attempt to use auth secret when external service disabled
- Not able to build Molecule image
- Metrics charts can be too thin
- Some graph settings do not have query parms - can’t bookmark pages
- Workload’s page Actions dropdown is clickable in view_only_mode
- CRUD Permissions on events
- Kiali Login error when Prometheus fails to start
Sprint Release: August 20th, 2021
- generate metrics for validators
- (molecule) run molecule tests using a KinD cluster
- Remote cluster functionality should be configurable
- Update Kiali UI to latest Node.js LTS version
- Add a Molecule test to verify Grafana integration
- (operator) perform true “can_i” check to confirm the operator has correct permissions
- grafana-test fails - cannot look up grafana url successfully
- route created by operator doesn’t seem right
- Jaeger traces & spans fetching error
Mid-Sprint Release: August 6th, 2021
- Issues with clustering discovery
- Scripts not loading (404) on openid_error when Kiali is hosted in a subfolder (web_root: /kiali)
- Jaeger traces & spans fetching error
- helm-charts and istio addons doesn’t have default grafana in_cluster_url defined
Sprint Release: July 30th, 2021
- New badge/visualization for hostnames in Graph
- Enhanced logs viewing and correlation
- bump operator to newer minor-release of base image
- Add validation for “exportTo” fields of VirtualService, ServiceEntry
- Feature Request: Disable certain validations
- Display traffic scenario badges when present
- gRPC Streaming traffic
- Consider using tcp_received telemetry for graph generation
- community OLM metadata moving to new repos
- trivial case change to disconnected annotation value in operator metadata
- document the new dashboard annotations
- clean up upstream istio kiali addon install doc
- Display custom dashboards with more than two rows of graphs inside the card
- test custom dashboard overrides
- Use annotations to personalize CustomDashboards
- Scripts not loading (404) on openid_error when Kiali is hosted in a subfolder (web_root: /kiali)
- Issues with clustering discovery
- (operator) Playbook “create additional kiali labels…” fails due to unquoted string in label
- grafana links missing
- ERR GetAppTraces, Jaeger GRPC client error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed
- molecule tests need to wait for CRD to be established
- Add missing warning on VirtualService “exportTo” field
- Exposing workloads with ServiceEntries makes Kiali show non-existing Services
- Cannot fetch proxy status on Istio master (1.11)
Sprint Release: July 9th, 2021
- Support for custom istio injection labels and values
- Metrics page: select all/none filter
- Add Gateway/VirtualService hostnames in Service details
- Add gateway validation to VirtualServices
- Services list should show when a VirtualService/DestinationRule is applied
- Unify style attribute for config validation icons
- (multi-cluster) Enhance support for mesh deployment models
- Add help icon in Wizards
- Support for custom CA certificates in OpenID authentication
- The namespaces that begins with
are hidden but those should be OK - Repeated queries on CustomMetrics
- kiali Cannot load the graph “invalid character ’d' looking for beginning of value”
- Duplicated application container on Workload Logs tab
- Metrics Settings are kept but not applied when switching metrics tabs
- (perf) pr #3975 introduced perf regression for /api/namespaces/bookinfo/services/details/graph endpoint
- Tooltip span not available
Sprint Release: June 18th, 2021
- Connect Listeners and Routes in the Envoy Config modal
- remove istio_component_namespaces config
- Research Metrics tab main layout
- Display throughput on the graph edges
- Move Envoy Details to Workload Details
- Pod table should reflect any container crash
- Consolidate Dashboards CRDs into main Kiali config, also handled via Kiali Operator
- convert community OLM metadata to new bundle format
- Add to graph indicator for Kiali scenarios
- move the support for old versions to CRD v1 when appropriate
- Internal metrics revisit
- Difference between App and Workload healths - causing inconsistency in Overview
- Wrong Health info at Service level
- Trace graph tooltip truncates long hostnames
- Circuit Breaker Badge is missing in the Graph
- clean up hack/istio/bookinfo* resources
- Health popover disappearing
- (helm)(operator) do not use deprecated Ingress kind - update to latest apiVersion
- Graph replay health is not correct
- Molecule tests broken for podman 3
- Possible false positive reported as violating KIA0202
- horizontal scroll problem on graph side panel trace tab detail